Youth Empowerment

How to Co-Create

Corporate partners can support youth by providing internship opportunities, career guidance, scholarships, or sponsoring youth development programs. These opportunities allow young individuals to explore various career paths and provide them with a platform for practical experience and professional growth. By doing so, corporate partners can identify future talents while demonstrating their commitment to supporting youth development.

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Partnership Showcases

Youth Empowerment

Macau-Hong Kong Youth Cultural Exchange

With generous sponsorship from the Rotary Club of Penha, Macao, 20 students participated in the Rotary Macau-Hong Kong Youth Cultural Exchange trip and had a meaningful cultural exchange.

Let's Co-Create

Youth Empowerment

Youth Greenfluencer Training Programme

The Youth Greenfluencer Training Program nurtures young leaders in low-carbon living. Participants learned about green lifestyles, policies, carbon footprints, managing Recycling Stations, etc.

Let's Co-Create