Entering the Inner World through Drawing for Employee Well-being

Entering the Inner World through Drawing🖍️ for Employee Well-being❤️

In the post-pandemic corporate work environment, employee well-being is increasingly emphasised. Drawing, a simple stress-relief activity, perfectly meets corporate needs in any office setting. Through Projective Drawing, employees can understand their subconscious inner world and seek appropriate assistance.

Drawing: The Dual Power of Expression and Healing💖

Drawing allows us to express inner feelings and find healing when we feel stressed or emotionally troubled. Projective Drawing leverages this to reveal our subconscious, thus uncovering the inner world.

Since the 1920s, psychologists like Jung and Freud have studied Projective Drawing deeply, which was later applied to Art Therapy. The "House-Tree-Person" test by John Buck and Robert C. Burns is the most well-known. By examining the drawings' structure, colour use, and intensity, this method helps assess the artist's personality traits, emotions, and mental state. It also reveals communication patterns with others, enabling the artist to improve self-awareness and interpersonal relationships.


"Drawing My Heart" Projective Drawing Workshop 🖍️

Through participating in CFSC's "✨Co-Create for Good" corporate partnership program, companies can choose from various ❤️ Employee Wellbeing 🍀activities. “Drawing My Heart" Projective Drawing Workshop 🖍️ organized by Vital Employee Service Consultancy of CFSC, helps employees understand their mental and physical states through artwork, creating a healthier and more harmonious work environment.

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